Nurses' Memorial Foundation of South Australia Limited

To advance or assist in promoting nursing and midwifery education, practice and research 

The Nurses’ Memorial Foundation Of South Australia Limited


The Foundation is a Company Limited by guarantee whose purpose is to pursue the following charitable purposes:

To advance or assist in promoting nursing and midwifery education, practice and research with a view to improving the standard of care and to that end to endow awards, grants and scholarships;

To foster and assist in the care of Nurses and Midwives in times of illness and adversity;

To undertake any activity incidental or ancillary to the above purposes; and

Do all such other lawful things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of any of the above purposes.

It provides AWARDS in recognition of scholastic achievements, GRANTS for nursing research, SCHOLARSHIPS for advancing nursing practice and education, and FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE in times of illness and adversity.  




Established on April 10th 2018

18 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town, 5067
Royal British Nurses’ Association (South Australian Branch) 1900 – 1950
Royal British Nurses’ Association (South Australian Branch Incorporated) 1950 – 1973
Nurses’ Memorial Centre Of S.A. Incorporated 1973 – 1989
The Nurses’ Memorial Foundation Of S.A. Incorporated 1989 – 2018

The Registered Office is situated at 18 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town. S.A. 5067
All enquiries are to be addressed to The Secretary